Hello everyone...Alternative Perspectives..the radio program about the LBGTQI community and our allies...is alive and broadcasting every Tuesday evening from 7 to 8pm..EST...on WRFG 89.3fm Atlanta.
We entered our 5th year on Oct 3...you can hear our podcasts at http://www.podbean.com/podcast-feed/betlear/all/rss2 by subscribing to the rss feed...
I will begin posting comments about current issues...and hope that you will give me feedback...
News Briefs:
The APD Advisory Board had their 3 organizational meeting tonight, monday, 11/15, minutes will be posted at the Atlanta website...
Show for Tuesday 11/16, we will be discussing several topics, among them
a. the arrest of 13 DADT activist in Wash. DC, who superclued their handcuff locks...to protest the non-repeal of DADT....by Lame Duck Congress...
b. appointment of Blue Ribbion Panel...to mediate the Eagle Raid, in Atlanta over a year ago...gag order, ordered by judge. Conflict Conflict...hummmm
c. a bit of This Way Out News Wrap...just to keep up with things around the world
Preview of 11/23 show...Queer Justice League of Atlanta...comes to Alternative Perspectives...u don't want to miss this...